Sunday, August 23, 2020

Evolution of Cinema in Nineteenth Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advancement of Cinema in Nineteenth Century - Essay Example Moreover, so as to comprehend the manners in which that helped the development of film, a top to bottom conversation will be embraced. Thinking about the mechanical headway in carry the movement to the photos, the historical backdrop of film observes the utilization of the enchantment lamp. Movie producers utilized various slides which clearly changed the manner in which film anticipated and introduced the topic. It ought to be noticed that the utilization of the enchantment lamp as the innovative perspectives was the significant device during the sixteenth century. Be that as it may, by the nineteenth century, the Lumiere Brothers utilized the slide projection of the movies with the guide of photos. Crowds hushed up mindful of the manners in which the movies were being anticipated. The penny arcades apparently gave a path to the producers so as to comprehend an idea which was out of the container. It was then the mechanical parts of the filmmaking required a bigger screening thought (Popple and Kember). The need of the bigger screen was on the grounds that the movie producers needed to get a bigger number of crowds. In less difficult words, it very well may be said that the mechanical development in the film was noted when crowds were given more inclinations. Clearly, now, the size of the crowds was focal point of core interest. The producers including Edwin S. Watchman worked grandly in regards to the possibility of various scenes in the film to get stand out of the group towards the movies. It won't be mistaken to express that film at last turned into an approach to pick up cash. This was later given the situation of an industry in the late nineteenth century. Subsequently, it won't be wrong to express that it was the guide of business that was being gotten the money for and at last prompted the advancement of the film from the well known methods (Popple and Kember). Followed by the need of social affair crowd for business reason, the mechanical advancement that captivated the film was the development of stroboscope. Later on, various tests of the photographic techniques were attempted just to locate the best position. Since the film was currently an industry, every movie producer needed to accomplish a superior situation in the market. In a more straightforward way it very well may be said that the opposition was another way which helped film to experience development (Popple and Kember). In the late nineteenth century, it was discovered that utilizing 24 cameras straight aided in taking photos of a pony running. This helped the executives to discover another measurement. In this manner, the mainstream society of having a looked over photograph realistic plate was currently changed into a range of moving picture. All through the later long periods of the nineteenth century, it was discovered that this thought was being revised by various trend-setters in the field of filmmaking. At a similar point, individuals noticed that they could utilize various subjects of issue through the movies as the film was enlivened. Before the finish of the nineteenth century, it was seen that the films were the areas of the moving items as well as an introduction of the correspondence between two characters. This empowered the creation division to spring up since the characters were demonstrating genuine correspondence between the people. It can likewise be denoted that the articles out of sight additionally got extraordinary importance during this time. Along these lines, film transformed from a nickel based review idea to film (Popple and Kember). Fortunately, nineteenth century was the period when the film brought the mix of sound just as visual scenes along with the assistance of Kodak still cameras and Thomas Edison’

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Definition and Examples of Science Writing

Definition and Examples of Science Writing The term science composing alludes toâ writing about a logical topic, frequently in a non-specialized way for a group of people of non-researchers (a type of reporting or inventive true to life). Likewise considered well known science writing. (Definition No. 1) Science composing may likewise allude to composing that reports logical perceptions and results in a way administered by explicit shows (a type of specialized composition). All the more normally known as logical composition. (Definition No. 2) Models and Observations Since science composing is proposed to be entertainingâ enough to catch the proceeded interestâ of potential perusers, its style is considerably less dismal than the standard logical composing [i.e., definition No. 2, above]. The utilization of slang, quips, and other word plays on the English languageâ are acknowledged and even energized. . . .Recognizing science composing and logical composing is sensible of Science Writing: Stripped for Parts: Sustaining a dead body until its organs can be gathered is a precarious procedure requiring the most recent in clinical innovation. In any case, its likewise an unmistakable time misplacement in a time when medication is turning out to be less and less obtrusive. Fixing blocked coronary veins, which not very far in the past required prying a patients chest open with a saw and spreader, would now be able to be cultivated with a minuscule stent conveyed to the heart on a slim wire strung up the leg. Exploratory medical procedure has offer ed approach to robot cameras and high-goals imaging. As of now, we are looking at the tempting culmination of quality treatment, where sicknesses are relieved even before they do harm. Contrasted and such microscale fixes, transplants-which comprise of rescuing whole organs from a heart-pulsating corpse and sewing them into an alternate body-appear to be roughly mechanical, even medieval. On Explaining Science The inquiry isn't would it be a good idea for you to clarify an idea or procedure, yet how might you do as such in a manner that is clear thus intelligible that it is basically part of the story? Utilize logical techniques, for example, ... - People who study what makes a clarification effective have discovered that while giving models is useful, giving nonexamples is even better.Nonexamples are instances of what something isn't. Frequently, that sort of model will help explain what the thing is. In the event that you were attempting to clarify groundwater, for example, you may state that, while the term appears to recommend a real waterway, for example, a lake or an underground stream, that would be an off base picture. Groundwater isn't a waterway in the conventional sense; rather, as Katherine Rowan, interchanges teacher, calls attention to, it is water moving gradually yet tirelessly through splits and hole in the ground underneath us...Be intensely mindful of your perusers convictions. You may compose that opportunity is the best clarification of an illness bunch; yet this could be counterproductive if your perusers dismiss chance as a clarification for anything. In the event that you know that perusers convictions may crash into a clarification you give, you might have the option to write in a manner that doesnt cause these perusers to obstruct their brains to the science you clarify. The Lighter Side of Science Writing In this passage I will express the primary case that the exploration makes, utilizing alarm statements to guarantee that obviously I have no assessment about this examination at all. In this passage, I will quickly (on the grounds that no section ought to be more than one line) state which existing logical thoughts this new research difficulties. On the off chance that the exploration is about a potential fix or an answer for an issue, this passage will depict how it will raise seeks after a gathering of victims or casualties. This passage expounds on the case, including weasel-words like the researchers state to move duty regarding setting up the possible truth or precision of the examination discoveries on to completely any other person however me, the columnist. ... Sources (Janice R. Matthews and Robert W. Matthews, Successful Scientific Writing: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences, fourth ed. Cambridge University Press, 2014) (Jennifer Kahn, Stripped for Parts. Wired.  March 2003. Republished in The Best American Science Writing 2004, altered by Dava Sobel. HarperCollins, 2004) (Sharon Dunwoody, On Explaining Science. A Field Guide for Science Writers, second ed., ed. by Deborah Blum, Mary Knudson, and Robin Marantz Henig. Oxford University Press, 2006) (Martin Robbins, This Is a News Website Article About a Scientific Paper. The Guardian, September 27, 2010)

Friday, August 21, 2020

Foundation and Empire 14. The Mutant Free Essays

string(30) finish on the off chance that you make speeches. The â€Å"hangar† on Kalgan is a foundation particular unto itself, conceived of the requirement for the demeanor of the tremendous number of boats got by the guests from abroad, and the synchronous and resulting huge requirement for living facilities for the equivalent. The first splendid one who had thought of the undeniable arrangement had immediately gotten a tycoon. His beneficiaries †by birth or fund †were effectively among the most extravagant on Kalgan. We will compose a custom exposition test on Establishment and Empire 14. The Mutant or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now The â€Å"hangar† spreads fatly over square miles of domain, and â€Å"hangar† doesn't portray it at all adequately. It is basically a lodging †for ships. The explorer pays ahead of time and his boat is granted a billet from which it can take off into space at any ideal second. The guest at that point lives in his boat as usual. The standard inn administrations, for example, the substitution of food and clinical supplies at exceptional rates, straightforward overhauling of the boat itself, extraordinary intra-Kalgan transportation for an ostensible total are to be had, obviously. Thus, the guest joins overhang space and lodging bill into one, at a sparing. The proprietors sell transitory utilization of ground space at adequate benefits. The administration gathers tremendous duties. Everybody has a fabulous time. No one loses. Basic! The man who advanced down the shadow-fringes of the wide passages that associated the innumerable wings of the â€Å"hangar† had in the past guessed on the oddity and convenience of the framework portrayed above, however these were reflections for inactive minutes †particularly unacceptable at present. The boats hulked in their stature and broadness down the long queues of deliberately adjusted cells, and the man disposed of line after line. He was a specialist at what he was doing now and if his fundamental investigation of the overhang library had neglected to give explicit data past the suspicious sign of a particular wing †one containing many boats †his specific information could winnow those hundreds into one. There was the phantom of a murmur in the quietness, as the man halted and blurred down one of the lines; a creeping bug underneath the notification of the self-important metal beasts that refreshed there. To a great extent the shimmering of light from a window would show the nearness of an early returner from the composed delights to less complex †or progressively private †joys of his own. The man stopped, and would have grinned on the off chance that he at any point grinned. Absolutely the convolutions of his cerebrum played out what might be compared to a grin. The boat he halted at was smooth and clearly quick. The quirk of its structure was what he needed. It was anything but a standard model †and nowadays a large portion of the boats of this quadrant of the Galaxy either imitated Foundation plan or were worked by Foundation specialists. Yet, this was unique. This was a Foundation transport †if simply because of the small lumps in the skin that were the hubs of the defensive screen that lone a Foundation boat could have. There were different signs, as well. The man felt no dithering. The electronic boundary hung over the line of the boats as an admission to protection with respect to the administration was not in the slightest degree critical to him. It separated effectively, and without initiating the caution, at the utilization of the extraordinary killing power he had available to him. So the principal information inside the boat of the interloper without was the easygoing and practically inviting sign of the quieted bell in the ship’s parlor that was the aftereffect of a palm set over the little photocell only one side of the primary isolated space. And keeping in mind that that effective pursuit went on, Toran and Bayta felt just the most unsafe security inside the steel dividers of the Bayta. The Mule’s comedian who included announced that inside his thin compass of body he held the noble name of Magnifico Giganticus, sat slouched over the table and ate at the food set before him. His tragic, earthy colored eyes lifted from his meat just to follow Bayta’s developments in the consolidated kitchen and larder where he ate. â€Å"The thanks of a powerless one are of yet little value,† he murmured, â€Å"but you have them, for genuinely, in this previous week, little yet scraps have come my direction †and for all my body is little, yet is my craving tactless great.† â€Å"Well, at that point, eat!† said Bayta, with a grin. â€Å"Don’t burn through your time on much appreciated. Isn’t there a Central Galaxy saying about appreciation that I once heard?† â€Å"Truly there is, my woman. For a shrewd man, I have been told, once stated, ‘Gratitude is ideal and best when it doesn't vanish itself in void phrases.’ But tsk-tsk, my woman, I am nevertheless a mass of void expressions, no doubt. At the point when my unfilled expressions satisfied the Mule, it presented to me a court dress, and a great name †for, see you, it was initially essentially Bobo, one that satisfies him not †and afterward when my vacant expressions satisfied him not, it would bring upon my poor bones beatings and whippings.† Toran went into from the pilot room, â€Å"Nothing to do now yet pause, Bay. I trust the Mule is equipped for understanding that a Foundation transport is Foundation territory.† Magnifico Giganticus, once Bobo, opened his eyes wide and shouted, â€Å"How incredible is the Foundation before which even the brutal hirelings of the Mule tremble.† â€Å"Have you knew about the Foundation, too?† asked Bayta, with a little grin. â€Å"And who has not?† Magnifico’s voice was a secretive murmur. â€Å"There are the individuals who state it is a universe of incredible enchantment, of flames that can expend planets, and mysteries of strong quality. They state that not the most noteworthy respectability of the Galaxy could accomplish the respect and concession considered just the normal due of a straightforward man who could state ‘I am a resident of the Foundation,’ †were he just a rescue excavator of room, or an in no way like myself.† Bayta stated, â€Å"Now, Magnifico, you’ll never finish on the off chance that you make addresses. You read Establishment and Empire 14. The Mutant in classification Exposition models Here, I’ll get you a little seasoned milk. It’s good.† She put a pitcher of it upon the table and motioned Toran out of the room. â€Å"Torie, what are we going to do now †about him?† and she motioned towards the kitchen. â€Å"How do you mean?† â€Å"If the Mule comes, are we going to give him up?† â€Å"Well, what else, Bay?† He sounded badgering, and the signal with which he pushed back the sodden twist upon his brow vouched for that. He proceeded fretfully, â€Å"Before I came here I had a kind of unclear thought that all we needed to do was to request the Mule, and afterward get serious †just business, you know nothing, definite.† â€Å"I realize what you mean, Torie. I wasn’t much wanting to see the Mule myself, however I thought we could get some firsthand information on the chaos, and afterward ignore it to individuals who discover somewhat more about this interstellar interest. I’m no storybook spy.† â€Å"You’re not behind me, Bay.† He collapsed his arms and glared. â€Å"What a circumstance! You’d never know there was an individual like the Mule, aside from this last strange break. Do you assume he’ll want his clown?† Bayta gazed toward him. â€Å"I don’t realize that I need him to. I don’t comprehend what to state or do. Do you?† The inward ringer sounded with its irregular burring clamor. Bayta’s lips moved silently, â€Å"The Mule!† Magnifico was in the entryway, eyes wide, his voice a cry, â€Å"The Mule?† Toran mumbled, â€Å"I’ve got the opportunity to let them in.† A contact opened the isolated space and the external entryway shut behind the newcomer. The scanner indicated just a solitary shadowed figure. â€Å"It’s only one person,† said Toran, with open alleviation, and his voice was practically temperamental as he twisted toward the sign cylinder, â€Å"Who are you?† â€Å"You’d better let me in and discover, hadn’t you?† The words came daintily out the collector. â€Å"I’ll illuminate you this is a Foundation transport and subsequently Foundation domain by global treaty.† â€Å"I know that.† â€Å"Come with your arms free, or I’ll shoot. I’m well-armed.† â€Å"Done!† Toran opened the internal entryway and shut contact on his impact gun, thumb drifting over the weight point. There was the sound of strides and afterward the entryway swung open, and Magnifico shouted out, â€Å"It’s not the Mule. It’s however a man.† The â€Å"man† bowed to the comedian dismally, â€Å"Very exact. I’m not the Mule.† He held his hands separated, â€Å"I’m not furnished, and I please a serene task. You may unwind and take care of the impact gun. Your hand isn’t consistent enough for my tranquility of mind.† â€Å"Who are you?† asked Toran, abruptly. â€Å"I may ask you that,† said the outsider, coolly, â€Å"since you’re the one under falsifications, not I.† â€Å"How so?† â€Å"You’re the person who professes to be a Foundation resident when there’s not an approved Trader on the planet.† â€Å"That’s not really. How might you know?† â€Å"Because I am a Foundation resident, and have my papers to demonstrate it. Where are yours?† â€Å"I think you’d better get out.† â€Å"I think not. On the off chance that you know anything about Foundation strategies, and notwithstanding your imposture you may, you’d realize that on the off chance that I don’t return alive to my boat at a predefined time, there’ll be a sign at the closest Fou

Postal Contract and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Postal Contract and Law - Essay Example P. 71). As indicated by Lord Denning, there is huge contrast between the standard of immediate correspondence and the postal principle. The offeror must get acknowledgment of his proposal for the agreement to be finished. In momentary method of correspondence of acknowledgment, the spot of development of the agreement is the spot at which the acknowledgment is gotten by the offeror (Davies, 2005. P. 158). In the current day corporate world, correspondence is predominantly by methods for teleprinter, copy or electronic mail. Electronic correspondence is as yet encircled by discussion as to its lawfulness. The trend setting innovation used in such correspondence modes empowers simple transmission of interchanges. Subsequently, electronic correspondence can be sent whenever to a goal, significantly in the wake of working hours. This brings up the issue about the purpose of time when the electronic correspondence had been legitimately efficacious. The postal standard doesn't make a difference to momentary types of correspondence (Brinkibon Ltd v Stahag Stahl und Stahlwarenhandels GmbH). This was the decision in Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corp (Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corp). Electronic mail is transmitted a lot quicker than the mail sent by post. Nonetheless, electronic mail can't be considered to be quick correspondence between the gatherings. The explanation behind this is the sending and receipt of electronic mail may take anything between a couple of hours to a few days. Consequently, it doesn't establish quick correspondence. Thusly, the postal guideline applies to electronic mail. An offer is esteemed to be appropriately imparted in quick correspondence, if the recipient has notice of the offer. In non †immediate methods of correspondence, the offer is conveyed through letters, messages or different strategies. Such correspondence must be dispatched to the recipient and got by the

Monday, July 6, 2020

Research Paper Why Is Copyright Necessary

Research Paper: Why Is Copyright Necessary? Nowadays we are bombarded with news concerning lawsuits that companies and individuals initiated because of the violation of the copyright laws. The Internet appears to be applying more rigorous copyright policy as well, since a multitude of sharing sites have recently been heavily fined or have ceased to exist. However, some people still keep wondering why this policy is vitally important. Firstly, copyright law has been introduced to protect the rights of the original authors of a book, film, software or any other unique creation. Without it any work would be subject to illegal copying, that is anyone would be able to steal your idea and claim it as their own. Needless to say, it is very frustrating to see that somebody takes the credit for all your hard work and effort and you are left at a loose end. As far as the financial side of the matter is concerned, illegal copying deprives the companies of their profit and can even make some smaller businesses go bankrupt, as they do not return the money invested in the project. However, you should not think that violating the copyright laws is only detrimental to the rightful owners of the idea or a project. It also has a negative effect on the customers, who use illegal copies, since the quality of the illegally copied product can be considerably lower and in case it is a pirate copy of software, you can not enjoy the cust omer support of the company or get updates. On balance, copyright policy is an indispensable tool to avoid the violation of the author’s rights and ensure the high quality of the product. It is vital that we abide by this policy, if we want to live in a truly creative world.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Brief History of American Police Essay - 275 Words

A Brief History of American Police (Essay Sample) Content: Political Subdivisions of Police Governmental powers per Federalism, including the specific U. S. Constitution Amendments that established their Powers, as well as the significant historical events, which helped orchestrate America's move toward Law Enforcement.IntroductionPolice power is basically the right of governments to initiate laws and regulations for the eventual benefit of their communities. In the United States, the right to make laws on police power lies on the individual states (Free Dictionary, 2015). The federal government is only limited to make laws on specific grants of power as laid down in the constitution. In addition, the states can make laws governing health, safety, morals and welfare as based on the Tenth Amendment. The state legislatures normally exercise their police powers through various means including enactment of statutes and delegation of powers to cities, villages, towns and counties. Police power may include the right to create polic e forces and is also the basis for enacting laws on land use, zoning, gambling, fire and building codes, liquor discrimination, parking, licensing of professionals, crime, sanitation, schooling, bicycles, nuisances and motor vehicles.If a law does not lead to promotion of safety, health or community welfare it may lead to an unconstitutional deprivation of liberty, life or property. A statute enacted as a result of police power may lead to a taking which occurs when a government directly or indirectly deprives a person of property or disturbs his or her enjoyment of property. Federalism is a government system by which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. The national government in federalism normally governs issues affecting the entire country while smaller subdivisions govern local issues (Free Dictionary, 2015). This paper looks into political subdivisions of police governmental powers per federalism in the U.S., including the specific U. S. Constitution A mendments that established their powers, as well as the significant historical events, which helped orchestrate America's move toward law enforcement.A Brief History of American PoliceThe history of policing in America goes back to the 15th century and has ever since been full of historical events that helped shape the evolution of the force in terms of its work and practices. Policing in American can be traced heavily on the British influence although it rapidly grew towards a different direction over time (Regilme, 2015). In the year 1285, the Statute of Winchester in England was established and with it began the first police force. Later each of the English counties had a Comes Stabuli or simply a Constable put in place by the king to act as a law enforcer or magistrate. This constable appointed a Shire Reeve or simply Sheriff as an assistant. The Shire Reeve would direct a community to apprehend a criminal. In America, the Puritans came with them the Sheriffs, Constables and Wa tches who acted as the initial policing apparatus in the early colonial days of America (Turner, 2015). The positions acted more as reactive than proactive and fees were paid to the watchmen and sheriffs for specific duties. Since they had no extra manpower to carry out investigations, the ended as ineffective and there were frequent riots.In 1840à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s, London model metropolitan areas had been established as a result of frequent riots that had happened especially in Boston. America was slow in starting metropolitan police because roving police patrols would remind Americans of British colonial troops. However, there was need to rule Americaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s frontier as gangs like The James Gang of Kentucky and Missouri had developed many hiding places (Whitworth, 2015). For instance, Meramec Cave, 80 miles southwest of St. Louis was used by gangs as a hiding place, forcing the police to place a bounty on fugitives in order to encourage community policing. However, with the end of slavery, new laws were established to keep the American black people as second class citizens (Turner, 2015). Law enforcement posed various challenges especially with the passing of the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution. The rise of organized crime led to bloody wars between the mobs and the police. The rise of the anti-war protests, the civil rights movement and the drug culture needed police to swing into full gear to protect the public and their properties against violent actions (Whitworth, 2015). During the 1970à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s and 1980à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s, minority police officers were incorporated in the force. With better equipment and training, the police force professionalism through the 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s till today has greatly improved.The US Bill of Rights: The First Ten AmendmentsFirst Amendment; Religious Freedom and Freedom to Print, Assemble, Speak and PetitionIn 1789, the Congress proposed the first ten amendments at their first session and upon receiving ratification they became part of the constitution on 15th December, 1791. (Regilme, 2015). These are now called the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment gave rights to religious freedom, the freedom to speak, assemble, print and petition and gave rise to what is commonly referred to as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"a wall of separationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ between church and state. In this amendment, Congress had agreed not to make any law respecting a religious establishment or prohibiting the freedom of worship. The amendment guarantees freedom of publication, speech, petition and assembly. Even though these various liberty clauses were lumped together, Congress had initially wanted to separate the religious clause from civil liberties (McClellan, 2000).Religious freedom was promoted through forbidding Congress from favoring one religious group over another. It was not intended as a show of neutrality between believers and non-believers but simply as a means for keeping religious passions away from American politics. Howe ver, the amendment restrained only Congress from interfering with religious affairs and not states which had been left free to establish state churches. But the freedoms of assembly, print, petition and speech does not however mean that one was allowed to shout anything one wishes, assemble in any format one likes, print anything one likes or present petition to Congress anything one likes. Simply put, civil liberty is ordered liberty. The freedom of speech and print allows the citizen to criticize the government and hold government officials to account for their deeds while encouraging free exchange of ideas.Second Amendment: The Right to Bear ArmsThis amendment empowers a well, regulated militia which is essential for a free state security and grants the citizens the rights to bear arms. In this amendment the word à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"militiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ refers to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"armed citizenryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ (McClellan, 2000). The amendment was necessary so that Congress could not disarm s tate militias and was derived from the colonial experience whereby Americans depended on militia in confronting the British army. Hence maintaining state militia was thought to be a right for each state and essential for safeguarding domestic and foreign tyrants. Since the amendment bars only Congress, it follows that the states can freely regulate the carrying and possession of weapons according to their constitutional rights. If the citizens are disarmed, they will not be able to overthrow or resist tyrannical regimes. Consequently, the right to bear arms is not obsolete as the Federal Courts limit the possession, sale and transportation of various forms of weapons including sawed-off shotguns and machineguns.Third Amendment: Quartering TroopsDue to memories of British soldiers being quartered in American places of residence at the time of American War of Independence, this amendment was necessary to forbid Congress from allocating soldiers in private houses unless there was direc t permission from the householder. This shows that in 1789, there was huge desire to safeguard civilians from military bullying. Within the Bill of Rights, this is the least invoked as the Supreme Court has never interpreted or applied it.The Fourth Amendment: Search and SeizureWhen a public authority wants to search individuals or their places of residence, this is essential for search warrants. It could also be applied when property regarding legal investigation or action is being seized. Generally, searches without warrants are unreasonable though at certain times, a warrant is not necessary as seen in cases of lawful arrest. If police want to carry out a search, they must first avail themselves before a magistrate and prove under oath the good cause why the search is necessary. In addition, the warrant must show the location and property. Recently, the courts have expanded the requirements to include intangible property as in seizing conversations that are recorded via electro nic eavesdropping (McClellan, 2000).The Fifth Amendment: The Rights of PersonsThis amendment protects people from ill treatment by those who possess power and assumes that until proven guilty, one is always innocent. The ancient requirement states that if a person is being tried for a big crime, the grand jury must first indict him. Further no one person should be tried twice for the same offense. In addition, no one should be forced to testify against himself in any criminal case and authorities are not allowed to possess an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s property without reasonable compensation (McClellan, 2000). However, the right is not absolute even though it is regularly invoked in normal criminal trial equally in trials of espionage or subversions. If a person is offered immunity so that he is not prosecuted in return for providing testimony, the person must either expect to be jailed or comply or kept in jail for court contempt. The prohibition against acquiring private...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tension in Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Essay

Tension in Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Dylan Thomas’s poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, is an urgent plea from Thomas to his dying father, and all men not to give in to death. Thomas uses himself as the speaker to the make the poem more personal. The message of the poem is very inspirational. Throughout the poem, Thomas uses different imagery and language to illustrate the tension between action and inaction. The first stanza helps summarizes the meaning of the poem, urging old men to fight death. In the first stanza of the poem Thomas uses assonance, †Old age should burn and rave at close of day; / Rage, rage against the dying of the light.† (2-3) The use of age in†¦show more content†¦In the fourth stanza, â€Å"Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight / And learn to late that they grieved it on it’s way.†(10-11) Here he is saying that wild men do not have to live in past with regrets of experiences not appreciated. Wild men hasten their own death with their dangerous living, and grieve in their dying days. This is also metaphor, because he is comparing two unlike objects. He begins the fifth stanza with an example of alliteration, †Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight / Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay.† In these lines death and life is further exemplified. He also enforces the idea that death is not grave, that we should open our minds to the intense feeling that we can experience at the end of life. He also feels that grave men remain serious and blind as they die, though they could be happy and bright. In the last stanza, Dylan Thomas creates a picture of a motionless, dying father. Thomas cries out in anguish for his father to curse him or bless him,Show MoreRelatedDo Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night1555 Words   |  7 PagesThomas wrote â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† as a counter argument against the prevailing attitude most have towards death because he felt it was important to not be resigned and docile to death. He defies conventional norms within the poem to illustrate that nothing should be accepted at face value, that even events such as death should be met with resistance. This can be seen in Thomas deliberate misuse of words. For instance, he could have used gently instead of gentle in the title, butRead MoreGood Nights Sleep1243 Words   |  5 Pages Ways to Promote a Good Nights Sleep Sleep is vital for mammals and many other animals. People of all ages need regular, quality sleep for their bodies to function correctly, to maintain optimum health and fitness and to restore depleted energy levels. 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He wasRead MoreEssay on Analysis of Do not go gentle into that good night1077 Words   |  5 Pages An Analysis of Do not go gentle into that good nightnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp; The first time I read Dylan Thomas words to his dying father, and I shouted I agreed completely with the feelings of Thomas. How right he was, I thought, to demand fighting to the very end. Thats the way I would be when my time came, and thats the way everyone should be. I have had a few years to think it over. Today, burning and raging have less appeal and I find myself impatientRead MoreThe Wife s Story By Ursula K. Le Guin1045 Words   |  5 PagesHe was a good husband, a good father (Le Guin 3), He was always gentle (Le Guin 3). These lines create confusion, it makes the audience question. In order for the questions to be answered finalizing the story would have to be done. This foreshadows what will occur later on the story. Le Guin tells about how they first met and about how his sophistication attracted her. The wife exalted the husbands integrity. The husband was a good father and was well liked. He was just purely good to me. ARead MoreLove in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay1608 Words   |  7 PagesLove in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is a love tragedy based on different kinds of loves. Romeo and Juliet become married in a forbidden relationship over the high tension brawl between their rival families which Shakespeare clearly shows in the play. Despite the family brawls, the pair decides to let their perfect love defeat all. Peoples ideas have changed in the space of 400 years, for example back then some loves featured in this playRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Twenty Minutes Late 1148 Words   |  5 Pages3:25 now but that’s okay.† Said Jessica speaking with a quiet, gentle voice. â€Å"What did you want to talk to me about? Don’t worry I’m not gonna touch your girly pink bras.† Said Maddie, while pulling out her iPhone and completely diverting her attention. Jessica drew her pen and started writing on the back of her newspaper. â€Å"I just thought we’d begin with establishing some ground rules. Like, who should take out the trash, who should do the dishes, and what items we are comfortable with sharing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Read MoreMurders in Reap Essay1199 Words   |  5 PagesGeneral Outline For months, the capital city of Reap had been plagued by a number of gruesomely bizarre deaths. The atmosphere in the city is one of tension and fear. Though the city watch has been quick to respond, no-one has been able to come up with any real answers, and rumors abound, each more far-fetched and ridiculous than the last. Kai Lucien, Arbiter of Death and representative of Living-God Rivas, has been closely following the murders almost from the beginning. He’s a kind-hearted soulRead MoreEssay on William Shakespeares Macbeth1483 Words   |  6 Pagespower, and men were on top. In fact, women were below horses; you couldn’t live without a good horse, but, you could live without a wife. Lady Macbeth was a woman before her time, she was caught between being today’s ambitious, powerful modern woman and a fragile creature of the Elizabethan era. In the first four acts of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is vicious, overly ambitious, without conscience, and willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. In this case, she wants to become Queen of ScotlandRead MoreExposure Therapy : Exposure Techniques For A Controlled And Systematic Method1449 Words   |  6 Pagesphysical reactions they cause (Wenzel, 2013). Coping Skills Jakki is experiencing high levels of distress that can interfere with her ability to effectively implement problem solving techniques. 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Internet Of Things Privacy Protection - 2151 Words

Internet of things Privacy protection and Research Ruining Fan Abstract Analyzes the problems existing in the Internet of things through each layer in Internet of things especial in perception layer and access layer. Introduced some security and privacy situation of Internet of things like anonymous method, the basic principle of encryption technology. Overview of Internet privacy protection technology in the future and the improvement technology. Introduction The concept and characteristics Internet of things (IoT) is becoming a hot topic in recent years. Its application is very wide which can be applied to the military, industry, agriculture, power grid and networks, transportation, logistics, energy saving, environmental†¦show more content†¦Its main characteristic is through the radio frequency identification (RFID), sensors and other ways to obtain all kinds of information in the real world which combined with the Internet and mobile communication network and other network information transmission and interaction, the intelligent computing technology analysis of information processing. Thus improve the perception of the material world, and to realize intelligent decision and control. Although Internet of things can reference some of the mature technology in network, the Internet of things in the information acquisition, processing and application of the technology and the technology is a big difference, First, compared with wireless sensor network, Internet of large number and variety of sense terminals. Second compared with distributed computing technology, the Internet of things need to responsible for the information processing of all kinds of intelligent computing technology in perception of massive amounts of data and information. Third, compared with the Internet applications, the application of Internet of things technology will cover more and more wide fields. Layers in IoT In general, can put the architecture of Internet of things into the perception layer, Internet layer,

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization - 1098 Words

Globalization is an inevitable process which has led to integration amongst different people and countries. It strives to bridge the existing gap between nations by trying to foster healthy trade and investment relationships amongst them. An economist, Thomas Friedman has described today’s globalization as â€Å"farther, faster, cheaper and deeper† [1]. Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz defines globalization as â€Å"the closer integration of the countries and peoples of the world which has been brought about by the enormous reduction of costs of transportation and communication, and the breaking down of artificial barriers to the flows of goods, services, capital, knowledge, and (to a lesser extent) people across borders† [2]. Many countries such as China and India have benefitted majorly due to globalization. According to the World Bank, poverty rates in China fell from 60% to 16% between 1990 and 2005 and the poverty rate in India has reduced to 50% of what it or iginally was, in the past 2 decades. Uganda also witnessed a drop in the poverty levels by 40% and school enrollments doubled in that period [3]. In my opinion, the key factor influencing globalization is the improvement in the technology over the last century. I believe that since technology is constantly evolving, it is a major driving force behind globalization. Technology has contributed to globalization by enabling people to widen their horizon and by providing them with access to unlimited knowledge through the internet.Show MoreRelatedThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization1439 Words   |  6 PagesThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Prepared by Ummul Wara November 2012 Content 1. Introduction - What is Globalization?............................................1 2. Advantages of globalization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦2 3. Disadvantages of globalization†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦..4 4. Conclusion – to globalize or not to globalize†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 5. References Introduction - What is globalization? Globalization can be defined as ‘international integration’, which can be described asRead MoreGlobalization Advantages and Disadvantages695 Words   |  3 PagesWhat Is Globalization? Globalization means increasing the interdependence, connectivity and integration on a global level with respect to the social, cultural, political, technological, economic and ecological levels. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on politicalRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Globalization2225 Words   |  9 Pagesdoesn’t happen uniformly, and it impacts people in profoundly different ways often dependant on whether they live in core or periphery regions. Globalisation has advantages and disadvantages to people, the process of globalisation may mean that there is advantages to people in some places whilst other places are experiencing disadvantages. It could be argued that globalisation transforms people and places by making them both more interconnected or ‘closer’ together, although globalisation cannot changeRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Globalization in the Philippines2445 Words   |  10 PagesADV ANATGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF GLOBALIZATION ON THE PHILIPPINE ECONOMY __________________________________________________ A Term Paper Presented to: ANTHONY R. VILLANUEVA Economics Teacher ____________________________________________________ As a requirement for the Fourth Quarter in Economics subject _______________________________________________ Presented by: Adrian R. Ocampo IV-I _______________________________________________ March 2011 STATEMENT OF PROBLEMRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Globalization Of Finance1761 Words   |  8 PagesContagion and the Global Financial Crisis According to Schmukler (2004), financial globalization is not a new concept from the historical viewpoint. However, lately, the concept has grown exceptionally in its scope. Peckham (2013) defines globalization of finance as the degree to which various countries are in interrelated through inter-border financial holdings. Schmukler (2004) notes that financial globalization has various potential benefits as well as risks. Therefore, it is important to highlightRead MoreDiscussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Economic Globalization651 Words   |  3 PagesDiscussion on the advantages and disadvantages of economic globalization At present, economy globalization, which can be defined as the expanding world integration through trade, financial flow and knowledge, has significant effect on developed and developing countries. We are living in a world where people can communicate efficiently and enjoy the freedom of exchange of goods and capital. Due to the economic globalization, the material life today is more colorful than before. However, there areRead MoreEvaluate the Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization for Business1101 Words   |  5 Pagesnot be done, if there was no understanding of cooperative activities of the individual and the concept of teamwork. In this essay we are going through the importance of teamwork in organizations as developed by related authors, to find out the advantages and how this concept can make a business more profitable. To begin with, in a business which working in a team is very important to construct an effective teamwork rather than ineffective. This will be accomplished if there is a true organizationRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Globalization on South Africa767 Words   |  4 PagesGlobalization is the shrinking of the world and the increased consciousness of the world as a whole. It is a term used to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that is a result of dramatically increased cross-border trade, investment, and cultural exchange. Globalization has been dominated by the nation-state, national economies, and national cultural identities. The new form of globalization is an interconnected world and global mass culture, often referred to as a global villageRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Globalization on Development in Developing States2028 Words   |  9 PagesAdvantages and Disadvantages of Globalization on Development in Developing States Globalization brings more economic advantages to developing countries than disadvantages, even though this statement is arguable for many. But the simple effect of enabling developed countries and developing countries to compete in the same â€Å"Global arena† is already a gain, not only for DCs but for LDCs as well. The increased interaction among actors promoted by Globalization facilitates free trade which in turn provideRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Current Era of Globalization with the First Age of Globalization (1850s-1920s). What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization in Its Current Context?1720 Words   |  7 Pagescurrent era of globalization with the first age of globalization (1850s-1920s). What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization in its current context? Word count: 1530   Unit Coordinator: Dr Tony Ramsay I am going to contrast the current era of globalization with the first age of globalization in many different aspects, in the mean time analysis the merits and demerits of globalization in its current context. John and Kenneth (2012, p. 28) find that the concept of globalization means the

Polypharmacy in the Older Adult Too Much of a Good Thing...

Polypharmacy in the Older Adult: Too Much of a Good Thing Elderly patients that take several medications compound the risk of developing an adverse drug reaction. Not only does the aging process have an effect on how elderly bodies process medication, but elderly people take more medications than their younger counterparts. According to Conry (2005), the elderly patient takes an average of 5 prescription medications and two non-prescription medications (Conry, 2005). While medications are frequently necessary to enhance the quality of life of the elderly, non-pharmacologic methods should be used whenever possible. Healthcare providers need to understand how aging impacts the body’s response to medications, which drugs pose more risk to†¦show more content†¦As well as using multiple physicians, elderly clients may use more than one pharmacy. Each pharmacy attempting oversight of the client’s medication use may not be aware of all the medications prescribed. To further complicate the issue, side effects of medication can mimic disease symptoms. If an elderly client develops side effects of medication use, the healthcare provider may not recognize it. They may erroneously think that the new symptoms are a new problem, and prescribe more medication to control the symptoms his can cause even more side effects. Effects of Aging Physiologic effects of the aging process change the way the body processes drugs. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are both influenced by the aging process. Pharmacokinetics involves how the body interacts with the drug, and pharmacodynamics describes the effect of the drug on the body (Adams, Holland Jr., Urban, 2011). Pharmacokinetics consists of three components, absorption, distribution, and clearance. Absorption, especially from the oral route is the least influenced by the aging process and slows down, but remains complete (Adams et al., 2011). As the number of drugs ingested increases, the risk that absorption is interrupted increases (Adams et al., 2011). Distribution is significantly impacted with age. Older people have more body fat and less water than younger people. As a result, a drug that is fat soluble will remain in older bodiesShow MoreRelatedHerbal Medicines And Herbal Medications Essay860 Words   |  4 Pagesbe farthest from the truth. Herbal medications are more dangerous in older adults than other age groups for many reasons. When medications are taken orally decreased gastric pH and slowed motility may cause the drug to stay in the patient’s system longer and increase the chance of toxicity. Older patients have decreased saliva production and esophageal motility whic h may make it difficult for the patient to swallow. In older adult’s circulatory changes and chronic illnesses which affects circulationRead MoreCommon Misconceptions Of The Health Community1447 Words   |  6 Pagesaccurately dictate if herbal supplements work in aiding the body. Pill supplements are one of the most common ways people obtain vitamins and minerals that they are lacking, but pills are notorious for having fillers and excess things the body does not need which could undo the good that has been done by the nutrients in the pills. Doctors such as Josh Axe warn about the dangers in pill fillers such as hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, magnesium stearate, and titanium dioxide; links exist between theseRead MoreImproving Geriatric Health, Decreasing Healthcare Costs Essay1740 Words   |  7 Pagesthis it is only appropriate that the next chapter in healthcare begins under their influence as well. The first of the Boomers became of retirement age, sixty-five, in 2010 and every eight seconds another individual of this generation becomes a year older (When I’m 64: How boomers will change healthcare, 2007, p. 3). By the year 2030, â€Å"the over 65 population will nearly double as a result of the aging Boomers (When I’m 64: How boome rs will change healthcare, 2007, p. 2).† With this significant demographicRead MoreThe Effects Of Alcohol Abuse On The Elderly Population Essay2269 Words   |  10 PagesThe older population, according the US Census Bureau (2015) reports, individuals ages 65 and older make up 8.5% of the global population. In other words, the older population now equals 617 million, and subsequently will experience an expected rise within the next ten years, resulting in an increase of roughly 236 million people aged 65 and older throughout the world. Therefore, as our elderly population increases, so will the substance use epidemic. Currently the National Institute of Alcohol AbuseRead MoreGeriatric Assessment7902 Words   |  32 Pagesimpairment, immobility, instability, incontinence and iatrogenic disorders. The geriatric assessment effectively addresses these and many other areas of geriatric care that are crucial to the successful treatment and prevention of disease and disability in older people. Performing a comprehensive assessment is an ambitious undertaking. Below is a list of the areas geriatric providers may choose to assess: †¢ Current symptoms and illnesses and their functional impact. †¢ Current medications, their indications

Disaster Recovery Plan

Question: Describe about the Disaster Recovery Plan? Answer: Since the beginning of the civilization, among the various crucial factor which greatly influences the essential activity of the human being as well as regulate the quality of life, health is most significant. As per the given instruction this assessment will be focusing on the various aspect of the recovery plan relating to the various potential disasters in the perspective of the safety of various relevant medical documents as well as clinical data of numerous patients (Croskerry, 2010). The whole concept of various recovery plan from disaster as well as work flow relating to this systematic plan is belong to a systematically, powerful body, that is ministry of health care. Various potential disaster as well as various security related issues, can be major problem for the proper management of patient related data and in the way of overall performance of the health care system as well as the activity of the health care provider. In order to develop a effective management plan to cou nteract the disaster as well as keep the various medical document safe, relating to the various patient, various approaches is there, like Business community base planning, Information system for disaster, coordinator for disaster recovery, etc It is very important to understand the various significant purposes of the therapy recovery plan as well as its multipurpose way of planning, before the detailed evolution of various type of research design or specific type of recovery plan (Denham, 2010). In order to choose a specific disaster management oriented research design, clarification of the about the proper concept of the management plan is very much essential. Then the various aspects and the specific field of the disaster should be taken into the consideration and also need to know in what format the recovery plan fits. It included the development of a relevant system of keeping the various essential medical data safe and it also arise the recovery oriented research topic or question to moderate stage of the research process like the collecting of the data, evaluation of the collected data in order to synthesizing the evidence based practices as well as reporting the data (Donaldson, 2010). In order to systematically evaluate the various aspects of the research design as well as its various classification, philosophical as well as theoretical assumption, always play a significant role. Before the detailed interpretation of the philosophical assumption in the context of the qualitative research, it is essentially suggested by various researchers after the numerous clinical study, that there is no such confirm or predetermined way or systematic process for the successful development of the qualitative hypovolemic therapy(Jordan 2012). In spite of some conventional way of processing or developing, the systematic structure or progressing of the qualitative therapy, depending upon some significant factors like epistemological factor or ontological factor or research goal oriented factor. In the perspective of qualitative health care and effective recovery plan, it may be explained as the naturalistic as well as interpretative approach, which should be carried out with the responsibility of exploring various potential phenomena from the internal context. It also includes the perspective of the research oriented subjects and relevant information (Marie, 2010). The concept of the various disaster management plan also focusing on the perspective of the interpretive as well as materialistic practice which may resolve explain various unresolved issue of the modern world. It also emphasize on the various significant factors, which can greatly influence the structure of the research design like some fundamental search strategy, identify the main idea of a research project, relevant literature search as well as comprehensive understanding of the rationale, recognition of the significant unknown along with the research question. After that main part of the research design is came into the scenario like aim as well as objectives of the disaster recovery plan.The next step is the, develop the hypothesis as well as testing of the hypothesis, determined the main deliverables, identify the main resources (New Zealand - Ministry of Health to offer support service for former sawmill workers exposed to PCP. 2010). Another significant criterion, which grea tly regulating the total research design of the main hypothesis, is the proper timeframe for the specific research. So, determine the proper time-frame of the research design is the fundamental consideration, in order to develop a systematic research process. After the development of the timeframe, the next significant step of the research design is the, development of a appropriate workflow model, depend upon which the whole research strategy will be on progress. Another associated significant issue of the recovery plan relating to the various potential disaster, is the various risk factor and the potential adverse effect of the risk, which may occur during numerous application of the hypothesis. References Croskerry, P., Abbass, A., Wu, A. (2010). Emotional Influences in Patient Safety. Journal Of Patient Safety, 6(4), 199-205. doi:10.1097/pts.0b013e3181f6c01a Denham, C. (2010). Greenlight Issues for the CFO. Journal Of Patient Safety, 6(1), 52-56. doi:10.1097/pts.0b013e3181c72c9e Donaldson, L., Noble, D. (2010). The Need for Risk Profiling in Patient Safety. Journal Of Patient Safety, 6(3), 125-127. doi:10.1097/pts.0b013e3181ed73a3 Jordan - Ministry to evaluate integration of mental health services. (2012). International J Health Care QA, 25(2). doi:10.1108/ijhcqa.2012.06225baa.011 Marie, M. (2010). Do You Have a Disaster Recovery Plan?. Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, 19(1), 1-3. doi:10.1080/19393550903317088 New Zealand - Ministry of Health to offer support service for former sawmill workers exposed to PCP. (2010). International J Health Care QA, 23(8). doi:10.1108/ijhcqa.2010.06223hab.007

Heidegger Essay Research Paper Heideggers Conceptual EssencesHeideggers free essay sample

Heidegger Essay, Research Paper Martin heideggers Conceptual Kernels Martin heideggers Conceptual Kernels: Being and the Nothing, Humanism, and Technology Being and the Nothing are the same. The ancient philosopher Lao-tzu believed that the universe entertains no separations and that opposites do non really exist. His foundation for this apparently absurd proposition lies in the fact that because alleged antonyms depend on one another and their definitions rely on their differences, they can non perchance be without each other. Therefore, they are non really opposites. The simple and uncomplex natured concluding behind this hideous statement is utile when seeking to understand and depict Martin Heideggers profoundly leveled doctrine of Bing and the nil. Lao-tzus unsophisticated principle used in saying that supposed antonyms create each other, so they can non be opposite, is non unlike Heideggers description of the similarity between the antonyms Being and the nil. Unlike Lao-tzu, Heidegger does non claim that no antonyms exist. He does nevertheless state that two evidently opposite constructs are the same, and in this manner, the two doctrines are similar. He believes that the separation of existences from Bing creates the nil between them. Without the nil, Being would discontinue to be. If there were non the nil, there could non be anything, because this separation between existences and Being is necessary. Heidegger even goes so far as to state that Bing itself really becomes the nil via its indispensable finity. This statement implies a synonymy between the relation of life to decease and the relation of Being to nothingness. To Heidegger, the lone terminal is decease. It is wholly absolute, so it is a gateway into the nil. This proposition makes Being and the nil the two halves of the whole. Both of their functions are every bit of import and necessary in the rhythm of life and decease. Each single life necessarily ends in decease, but without this decease, Life would be allowed no patterned advance: The nil does non simply serve as the counterconcept of existences ; instead, it originally belongs to their indispensable flowering as such. Similarly, decease can non happen without finite life. In harmony with the statement that the nil separates existences from Being, the thought that decease leads to the nil implies that decease is merely the loss of the theoretical sandwich # 8217 ; s staff of life pieces, go forthing nil for the remainder of of all time. The being of decease, hence, is much more of import in the whole because it magnifies the nil into virtually everything. The magnification of the nil serves as an equaliser between Being and nil because Being is so robust and obvious that it magnifies itself. In this instance, the antonyms are wholly reliant on each other, non merely conceptually but physically. Heidegger gives new intending to Lao-tzus doctrine that opposites define each other when he tries to bring out the true kernel and significance of Being, and he reveals another degree of intertwination between the nil and Being. In order to specify Being, it is compulsory to step outside of it, into the nil because: Everything we talk about, mean, and are related to in such and such a manner is in Being. What and how we are ourselves are is besides in Being. Being is found in thatness and whatness, world, the being at manus of things [ Vorhandenheit ] , subsistence, cogency, being [ Dasein ] , and in the there is [ es gibt ] . Heidegger is really inexorable on the importance of indifferent judgements and definitions, and how could he perchance cipher the exact significance of Being while sing it from a province of Being? Thus it is necessary to step out into the nil to to the full grok Being. For this ground, human existences are the lone existences capable of chew overing the kernel of being and nonentity. Dasein are the merely creatures capable because they are held out into the nil: Being and the nil make belong together. . . because Bing itself is basically finite and reveals itself merely in the transcendency of Dasein which is held out into the nil. The highest findings of the kernel of adult male in humanitarianism still make non recognize the proper self-respect of adult male. When Heidegger rejects the rubric humanist, it is non because he is anti-humanity or even pessimistic about the destiny of the human race. Rather, he rejects the class because he justly sees humanitarianism as defined with adult male at the centre, which is a point of position he really strongly culls. Possibly in some other epoch, Heidegger could appropriately be called a humanist ; nevertheless, he believes that the word humanitarianism # 8230 ; has lost its significance. The modern intension of humanitarianism is non suited for Heidegger chiefly because in relation to the universe, other existences, and even life itself, Heidegger believes that adult male is basically out of control. Alternatively of Heideggers doctrine go arounding about mankind, it is centered on the inquiry of Being. Dasein is frequently the chief character of Heideggers amplification, but non because he is the centre. Alternatively, it is because he is the mechanism through which the nil and hence the reply to Being can be discovered: If the reply to the inquiry of Bing therefore becomes the steering directive for research, so it is sufficiently given merely if the specific manner of being of old ontology # 8211 ; the vicissitudes of its inquiring, its findings, and its failures # 8211 ; becomes seeable as necessary to the really character of Dasein. Because of their trancendence and ensuing nexus to Being and the nil, they are the best path to the reply of Being. Even his focal point on Dasein, nevertheless, leaves no hint of humanistic qualities: he doesnt even maintain the rubric homo: The analysis of Dasein therefore understood is entirely oriented toward the steering undertaking of working out the inquiry of Bing. When Heidegger does talk of humanitys goodness, he does non integrate the full species in his statements. Merely a per centum of the race is included in his vision of humanity. This is because he sees humanity as a end for world. If he were reffering to all of humanity, wouldnt he merely utilize the word world? Heidegger believes that portion of adult males kernel is the ability to step out of his kernel. This ability he calls ekstaticism, and it means that there is no inquiry as to whether or non adult male is at the centre. The reply is no because adult male is really outside of what humanity claims revolves around work forces. This transcendency is frequently unrecognised to the point of doing adult male non to understand or to the full measure his envi ronment, which merely reiterates that he is non in control: Because adult male as the 1 who ek-sists comes to stand in this relation that Being destines for itself, in that he # 8230 ; takes it upon himself, he at foremost fails to acknowledge the nearest and attaches himself to the following nearest. He even thinks that this is nearest. Paradoxically, this eksistence feature of Dasein, which gives him the ability to exceed and make a degree of humanity besides can do inhumane Acts of the Apostless. In this manner, the possibilities of eksistence threaten its ends: the inhumaneness that world is capable of endangering the really construct of humanity. If adult male were at the centre, he would be granted control. His control would be indicated by his induction, acknowledgment, and determination. But he is non the beginning or the terminal, and neither does he understand them. From the point of position of Heidegger, control is something work forces evidently deficiency. Man is non even in control of his ain being. He does non make up ones mind to be given life. Being is given to adult male, but adult male does non command it ; adult male occurs basically in such a manner that he is the there # 8230 ; that is, the glade of Being. Man through thought takes over this gift, but does non have it. Man does non even have his ideas. Bing does non revolve around adult male. Man is thrown into his eksistence ; Da-sein itself occurs basically as thrown. Man revolves around Being, and serves as one of Beings looks. Humanity believes that because adult male is the centre, it is his topographic point to govern over all other life signifiers on the planet. Heidegger strongly refutes this impression. He recognizes the simple facet to the logic applied in the claim that because work forces are more intelligent than animate beings, they are better. First of all, work forces are non mere animate beings. They exist otherwise because of their ability to step out of their kernel and into the nil. Peoples and animate beings are different, so they are non comparable. The simple construct that adult male is an animate being better than other animate beings implies prejudice against less rational individuals. Technologys kernel, relationship with adult male, and hereafter are at the custodies of Being, non humanity. Heidegger # 8217 ; s positions of engineering and its relation to moralss are complicated and hard, non unlike his positions on about everything else. He saw the journey of engineering as an inevitable procedure that began easy but quickened via its vicissitudes. He sees the procedure as a agency to an terminal. However, this # 8220 ; means to an terminal # 8221 ; is different from most # 8220 ; means to an terminal # 8221 ; because its # 8220 ; stop # 8221 ; is more # 8220 ; agencies, # 8221 ; so it necessarily progresses faster and faster. In other words, the consequence of engineering is more and more engineering in larger and larger sums. Besides, he believed that its patterned advance is out of our control. Technology is inarguably the consequence of believing. Heidegger claims that no idea is original in that the mind does non really conjure it. Rather, the idea reveals itself to the mind, even if he is the first individual to of all time think of it. So, human existences are non the Godheads of engineering even if they created it because the mind merely respond [ s ] to what reference [ Es ] itself to him. In this manner, engineering existed even before some prehistoric ape scraped some bugs out of a piece of bark with a branchlet. This means that there must be some other cause for engineering besides adult male. Heidegger says, believing, propriated by Being, belongs to Being. At the same clip thought is of Bing insofar as thought, belonging to Being, listens to Being. As the belonging to Being that listens, believing is what it is harmonizing to its indispensable beginning. The combonation of these two quotation marks means that Bing really created engineering with thought as its courier to humanity. The handing over of the innovation of engineering to Bing intensely complicates things. Now happening engineering kernel becomes about as hard as finding Beings definition. Of class, it was necessary for Heidegger to understand the kernel of engineering. The importance is due to the fact that adult male can non addition control or apprehension of engineering without cognizing its kernel and achieving a free relationship with it. By free, he means free of bondage, subjectiveness, and bondage. One can non objectively cipher the deductions of engineering while edge to it by life style, opinionated about it, or reliant on it to the point of bondage. This freedom is granted by looking at the large image, manner back before engineering in the modern sense existed, even with the apes. This allows one to see engineering with indifferent eyes. Then, the will to command becomes all the more pressing the more tecchnology threatens to steal from human control. The lone control humanity has over engineering is in internal will that leads to apprehension of the kernel and finally to mastery. Technology # 8217 ; s kernel has two equal conceptual divisions which are reliant on each other: Technology as instrumental and as a human activity. Its agencies that lead to more agencies besides have two characters: that of disclosure and that of self-creation. Thus, engineering is an instrumental human activity that self-creates its disclosure with vicissitude. It can non be controlled unless the complexness of these constructs are understood. All phenomenologists follow Husserl in trying to utilize pure description. Therefore, they all subscribe to Husserl # 8217 ; s slogan? To the things themselves. ? They differ among themselves, nevertheless, as to whether the phenomenological decrease can be performed, and as to what is manifest to the philosopher giving a pure description of experience. The German philosopher Martin Heidegger, Husserl # 8217 ; s co-worker and most superb critic, claimed that phenomenology should do manifest what is hidden in ordinary, mundane experience. He therefore attempted in Being and Time ( 1927 ; trans. 1962 ) to depict what he called the construction of commonness, or being-in-the-world, which he found to be an interrelated system of equipment, societal functions, and intents. Because, for Heidegger, one is what one does in the universe, a phenomenological decrease to one # 8217 ; s ain private experience is impossible ; and because human action consists of a direct appreciation of objects, it is non necessary to situate a particular mental entity called a significance to account for intentionality. For Heidegger, being thrown into the universe among things in the act of recognizing undertakings is a more cardinal sort of intentionality than that revealed in simply gazing at or believing about objects, and it is this more cardinal intentionality that makes possible the straightness 319

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Learning Styles and Pedagogy

Introduction As an individual within the teaching profession, I realise how it is often important to examine myself to determine the effectiveness of my performance. It is an aspect of critical reflection that questions my actual performance, thereby helping me in finding answers to some of the most pressing questions.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Learning Styles and Pedagogy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The critical reflection helps in developing the profession because it acts as a building block, enabling the strengthening of weaker areas and enhancing performance even further in best performed areas (Leung Kember, 2003, p. 61). Learning and teaching processes or activities, although conducted differently, are similar in many important aspects (Roxà ¥, Mà ¥rtensson Alveteg, 2011, p. 99). I consider the manner in which I learn fundamentally to have a direct bearing on the way I eventually t each my students. It is impossible to be a teacher without having undergone learning because the two are mutual. This paper draws from the principles of career reflection to reflect on my career as a teacher. The paper explores the learning and teaching processes as a whole. The paper then delves deeper into the numerous factors that are involved before critically reflecting on some of the principle concepts that are involved in both processes. Learning Process and the Factors Involved Learning is a demanding process that evidently depends on the responsibility of the individual to a large extent (Bhusry Ranjan, 2012, p. 313). Unless an individual feels that he strongly owns and is directly responsible for the entire process, learning may never be achieved regardless of how much effort is involved. I practically discovered this during my days as a trainee in graduate school. Although I had very little thought initially about my exact style of learning, I eventually determined my pr ecedence when I gradually appreciated the fact that the entire process depended on my own responsibility and resolve. As a trainee in graduate school, I discovered that three critical approaches of learning were effective in my studies. They involved group discussions and learning, practical presentations and activity, as well as continually tackling assignments (Moores, Change Smith, 2004, p. 77).Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The results of this experience were manifest in me because my main strategy of learning had initially relied heavily on reading class work and other related texts. There was a clear change in my performance and overall grasp immediately I switched strategies. This assessment has increased my ability to make a substantive and intellectual conclusion regarding my way of learning. I specifically understand what my strengths are and, consequently, rea lise some of the weaknesses that I face. I have a clear knowledge on some of the ways that can help in increasing opportunities for my career growth, including methods and techniques for addressing weaknesses. Nevertheless, as Tomlinson et al. (2003) rightly assert, individuals differ in their learning ways and styles that directly affect their performance. While my strategies of learning paid off substantially, I realised that quite a number of my colleagues had their own suitable methods of learning that did not necessarily resemble one another’s. Some trainees complained that learning in groups affected their concentration so much that there was little learning achieved in the end. They preferred doing studies on their own within very quiet and secluded environments. The process of learning only becomes successful when it transforms an individual in terms of his understanding and knowledge. The basic principle of learning for any student is to begin with accepting and cons idering the need for change (Bellas, 2004, p. 19). This happens from an individual’s point of view where a learner must accept the knowledge acquired to transform him. I have my main conception of learning as a process that leads to the acquisition of facts and procedures needed to achieve an objective. As a learner, I often test the extent to which I have undergone transformation by attempting sample questions and applying the algorithms, skills, and formulae that I have studied before. I use the resultant score to these self-administered tests and sample assessment questions to determine the extent of the transformation undergone.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Learning Styles and Pedagogy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Teaching Process and the factors Involved Gurney (2007, p. 89) describes teaching as an educational process that should focus on creating nourishing experiences to enable t he learning process to be natural and inevitable. Teaching should concisely refer to practical actions of expediting learning for the students, instead of focusing on any other related aspect. Quality teaching entails ten basic characteristics that include focusing on the achievement of students, performing pedagogical practices that result in caring, and all-inclusive and unified learning communities. It must create effective links with the school’s cultural context, be responsive to the learning processes of the students, as well as offer sufficient learning opportunities (Gurney, 2007, p. 90). Other quality aspects of teaching include compound tasks and contexts, which help in supporting learning cycles, effectively aligning curriculum goals, and a practice that insists on issuing students with feedback about their task engagement. As Gurney (2007, p. 90) further records, teachers and students must often engage in coming up with goal-oriented assessment and formulate a sys tem that promotes learning orientations, metacognitive strategies, student self-regulation, as well as a thoughtful student discourse. My teaching methodologies have greatly been influenced by my learning styles. I have a greater feeling that encouraging students to study in groups can enhance their academic performance a great deal. However, I also appreciate the fact that students are not all the same. Just like some of my colleagues in college did not approve of group discussion as the best way of studying, I realise that some of my students may also be finding it an ineffective method of studying, depending on their own understanding and belief. Regarding Gurney’s quality methods of teaching (2007, p. 90), I have picked on engaging with my students constructively in order to carry out a comprehensive goal-oriented assessment.Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I use such sessions to allow the students to determine the kind of difficulties they face in their studies, as well as evaluate their areas of strength. It eventually gives me the leverage to establish the best teaching techniques that suit each of the students, thus avoiding the mistake of using a uniform strategy for the entire class. Teacher knowledge, enthusiasm, as well as responsibility for learning are yet other critical aspects that determine teaching as a process (Eisner, 2002). Because teaching entails passing of knowledge, it will depend with the quality of knowledge that I have as a teacher for a student to learn fully as anticipated. I often go through my prepared notes in advance before I go to class to teach the students. This gives me confidence because it assures me of whatever I am teaching, unlike entering a class without having previously prepared on the subject to be taught. My Personal Learning Style I am an extroverted individual with a strong sensing percepti on. I rely on intuition and feelings to make decisions. My attitude toward the outside world is mainly formed out of my own judgement as opposed to the perceptions that I have. Based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, I am an extroverted, sensing, thinking, and judgement person (ENFJ) (Sample, 2004, p. 67). My extroversion explains why I prefer group work as the best methodology for my studies. During my teacher training session as an undergraduate, my studying was done mostly during the day to allow for long discussion sessions with my colleagues. After realising the fact that I performed well in study groups, we organised ourselves together in a study group of five people comprising of individuals with the same personality types. Learning mainly took place between 8 am and 4 pm, where we took turns in doing short presentations to enforce the transformation process of knowledge. Most of the personal studies in my room in the evenings only lasted for a maximum of two hours as they only entailed tackling of assignments and sample questions. The tackling of self-administered assignments and questions offered me the opportunity to evaluate myself concerning knowledge transformation. My general perception, which is ‘intuition’ as described by Myers-Briggs, had a strong bearing on my learning (Cools Van, 2007, p. 359). This continues to affect my learning process even at present concerning the general life phenomenon. I am fast at learning and gaining general knowledge. I do not necessarily rely on value facts and data to enhance my learning. While attending the study group in college, I would focus all my presentation of ideas and facts that I studied to support myself. Equally, I would challenge other members whenever they made their presentations to support their positions with determined ideas and facts and show the extent to which they had understood a concept. Another critical aspect of my ‘intuitive’ perception that has been criti cal in my learning is a routine application of the facts and skills learned. I insisted on using the exact terms and methodologies used in class by my instructor to enhance my grasping of the knowledge. Honey and Mumford Test As a teacher who has developed great interest in teaching and learning, I have done a Honey and Mumford test to understand my learning style. I have determined that I am an activist from the results. I have personally learned by doing things. I involve myself directly in executing the concepts and ideas as they are established. This gives me first-hand experience to explore on what the knowledge or learning process involves. I am open-minded in my approach to learning. I accept new challenges in learning. My preferred learning activities include brainstorming, where I prefer coming up with new ideas and thinking. I like involving myself in problem solving activities and encounters and participating actively in group discussion. I also prefer taking up roles tha t strengthen my learning by putting studied theories into action. Competitions and puzzles also influence my learning because they offer a basis upon which I can compare with others and evaluate myself. Howard Gardner’s Test I have used Gardner’s multiple intelligence tests to further ascertain my personality and how it influences my learning style. The results underscore a low spatial-visual kind of intelligence, with a score of 5. It implies I am poor when it comes to making interpretations of visual images and pictorial imagination. Thus, pictures, shapes, and images are not the best learning tools and materials that I can rely on. I have also scored poorly in physical and aural intelligence areas, meaning that the use of music, rhythm, sounds, touch, feel, and physical experience are not the best learning styles for me. My verbal, social, solitary, and logical intelligences, however, are higher. I scored 16, 15, 14, and 11, in these categories respectively. It impl ies that I have a higher mastery of language and words used in communication, while my ability to socialise and relate with others is also high. On these two accounts, my most preferred learning style is by use of language and words, as well as through human contact, teamwork, and cooperation. The high score in solitary or self-awareness implies that I am aware of my personal objectives and able to understand myself clearly. It also influences my relationship with others and the way I relate to the world. Self-reflection and self-discovery are, therefore, two of my most critical aspects of learning. Additionally, a higher score in mathematical or logical intelligence implies that I am good in mathematical calculations, scientific reasoning, and general analysis of problems. Numbers and logic are my best learning styles because I am comfortable with them and I can easily make interpretations. Piaget and Vygotsky Influence Piaget and Vygotsky have contributed towards the subject of le arning and education by establishing the cognitive development theory. According to the theory, the learning processes and capabilities of mental growth in children influence the way they learn (Pass, 2004, p. 18). Understanding cognitive development, therefore, is crucial for teachers because it provides them with the advantage of treating each child in a unique way. In turn, it provides all the children with the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the best possible way without being hindered by their own integral limitations and barriers. The cognitive-development theory holds that the learning process is affected by the attitudes and beliefs of the learner, as well as the context under which teaching is taking place. How this knowledge influences my teaching style I have learned that the quality of my teaching, which is directly reflected by the individual performance of my students, depends on the efforts I expend with a view of improving performance. Teaching is a process that entails many other factors including my personality and emotions, with the actual interaction with the students in a classroom environment only representing the final stage of the process. Thus, I must build a personality type that will, in turn, sustain learning for my students. I often work on my moods and emotion, particularly when I am feeling low, because I realise this has a negative effect on my teaching. The physical environment, equally, must be made in a way that supports teaching. The presence of features that distract concentration during learning need to be removed and a favourable environment created for the benefit of the teacher. In the school where I teach, I ensure the walls in the classrooms have reading material that students can look at and continuously get the reminder that it is a learning environment. I have also integrated student feedback mechanism into my teaching style. This is something I previously never considered to be important. I discovered that som e students are not bold enough to disclose to me as their teacher some of the issues that are affecting their learning (Alton-Lee, 2003). However, with the use of an elaborate feedback mechanism, such students are confident enough to share some of the issues that they encounter during their learning. They mostly prefer written feedback, instead of direct physical talk that I preferred. I have consequently combined the two systems together such that I employ them depending on the preference of the students. Feedback information gives me a lot of insight into the whole teaching practise. It is almost impossible to succeed in this work without depending on it. It is a two-way system of both communication and evaluation, where I am able to appraise my teaching performance by analysing the feedback I get from the students. On the other hand, I also inform the students of my actual expectation of their performance and point out the exact areas that I expect them to add more effort. Critic al Reflection on the Key Concepts The assessment strategy plays a critical role in the learning process as it helps in the enhancement of skills development. By using assessment, students are continually reminded about the need for them to grasp facts and concepts and be able to apply them correctly whenever the need arises. However, there is also danger in over relying on this strategy. It may easily force students to resort to cramming as a way of learning, thereby defeating the whole logic and intent of the process. As a teacher, I am only impressed when the students I teach learn and understand whatever is taught without appearing to do it for the sake of excelling in their examinations. Although, examinations provide the means for evaluating students and the extent of their learning, they may sometimes provide an erroneous picture about the whole scenario. Critical thinking in learning, on the other hand, is only possible where the learners are transformed through education. Le arning, therefore, represents the extent to which the individual is transformed in the way of his thinking and reasoning. It is possible for a student to attend school, but still fail to achieve transformation. Such a student may score highly on examinations and assignments, but still fail to undergo any form of transformation. It is, therefore, important for other evaluation mechanisms, such as practical execution of tasks and concepts taught, to be used in evaluating students in combination with assignments and examinations. Conclusion Teaching and learning make part of a complementary process that can never succeed without going hand in hand. My teaching style mainly reflects the way of learning that I preferred most while still attending graduate school. I am an extrovert who mainly feels comfortable dealing and working with others. My most preferred style of learning entails using discussion groups to make presentations and exchange ideas with others. I have, however, realised as a teacher that not all students prefer this method as the best for learning. In essence, I use a mixed approach for my student depending on what they consider most appealing for themselves. The feedback mechanism is a critical mechanism for me as a teacher because it provides me with the ability to evaluate the responses of my students, as well as get their appraisal of my teaching. List of References Alton-Lee, A 2003, Quality teaching for diverse students in schooling: Best evidence synthesis, Ministry of Education, Wellington Bellas, MD 2004, How transformational learning experiences develop leadership capacity, Royal Roads University (Canada), Victoria, BC Bhusry, M Ranjan, J 2012, ‘Enhancing the teaching-learning process: a knowledge management approach’, The International Journal of Educational Management, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 313-329. Cools, E Van, dB 2007, ‘Development and validation of the cognitive style indicator’, The Journal of Psychology, vol. 141, no. 4, pp. 359-87 Eisner, EW 2002, ‘The kind of schools we need’, Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 83, pp.576-583. Gurney, P 2007, ‘Five factors for effective teaching’, New Zealand Journal of Teachers’ Work, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 89-98 Leung, DYP Kember, D 2003, ‘The relationship between approaches to learning and reflection upon practice’, Educational Psychology, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 61-71 Moores, TT, Jerry Cha-Jan Change Smith, DK 2004, ‘Learning style and performance: a field study of is students in an analysis and design course’, The Journal of Computer Information Systems, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 77-85 Pass, S 2004, Parallel paths to constructivism: Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, Information Age Publishing Inc, New York, NY Roxà ¥, T, Mà ¥rtensson, K Alveteg, M 2011, ‘Understanding and influencing teaching and learning cultures at university: a network approach’, Higher Education, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 99-111. S ample, J 2004, ‘The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and OD: Implication for practice from research’, Organization Development Journal, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 67-75. Tomlinson, CA, Brighton, C, Hertberg, H, Callahan, CM, Moon, TR, Brimijoin, K, Conover LA Reynoldsm T 2003, ‘Differentiating instruction in response to student readiness, interest, and learning profile in academically diverse classrooms: a review of literature’, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, vol. 27, no.2/3, pp. 119-145 This critical writing on Learning Styles and Pedagogy was written and submitted by user L1l1ana to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

What Do You Need to Look For in English Essay Samples?

What Do You Need to Look For in English Essay Samples?While you are looking for some English essay samples, make sure that you know what kind of samples you need to find. There are lots of them but how do you determine which ones are good for your writing needs? Here are some guidelines that can help you out in choosing the right one.The type of essay is the first thing you should consider. There are several types of essays, but they are all based on two topics: a thesis statement and an argument. The essays can be about a subject that is very easy to discuss such as, 'The solution to this problem is that...' or it can be more difficult such as, 'Scientists have proven that...' or, 'For every solution, there is an equal and opposite problem.' This is the main reason why you should know which kind of essay you need before searching for it.Before you start looking for the English essay samples, you must first decide which topic you are going to write about. There are essay topics that can be just about anyone so you can choose from: history, language, psychology, geography, technology, and many others. If you are not sure, ask your professor or a tutor about what kinds of essays you can do to better prepare yourself for these.Once you have decided which type of essay you need, you can now start searching for the English essay samples. You can either search for them online or look for them in a book of sample essays. This will help you in making a list of potential essays so that you will have them in front of you when you are actually writing your paper.The next thing you need to look into when looking for English essay samples is how the samples are written. The essays usually have more than one format, such as paragraph-level structure, narrative structure, and paragraph breaks. You need to ensure that you look for the form that will best fit your paper.Also, make sure that you know how to write an outline. There are a lot of different kinds of outlines, but th ey all look the same so you need to make sure that you know how to write an outline that suits your paper. Do not forget to include the title of your paper, the main points that you want to make, and the purpose of your paper. This will be your outline.Finally, when you are looking for English essay samples, it is important that you keep in mind the most important thing. You need to write an essay that is well written and unique. It can be hard to put in your own ideas, because you need to know that they will come across properly. As long as you do not overdo it, then you should be fine.The hardest part about finding the right essays are finding the English essay samples. This is why it is important that you do the research that you need to do before you start. When you know what kind of essay you need, you will be able to find it easier.